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#008 - International Day of Charity

Writer: Aidan ParsonsAidan Parsons

Today's the International Day of Charity! Every day does appear to be a National or International celebration of something, and without trivialising the importance of International Talk Like a Pirate Day (yep - that's coming up on September 19th) we strongly believe that the Day of Charity is a really important one. The United Nations, in an effort to eliminate the shadow of poverty across the world, has designated September 5th as the day on which all member nations should encourage and commemorate charitable work around the globe.

With that in mind, what better time for us to announce MAG's major long-term charity initiative? We have resolved to donate 1% of earnings from our aesthetic procedures to charity each month. Now, encouraging diversity is one of our core company values, and there are a huge number of charities and causes out there that deserve attention. As a result, we will be choosing a new charity each month to donate to; a measure that, we hope, will reflect the diversity of not only our company but also our client base. Expect a small feature piece (such as this one) for each charity we pick, highlighting what they do and how your money can help them.

Without further ado, I'm proud to announce that the first charity we've chosen to donate to is... Mind, popularly-known as 'the mental health charity'. With our focus on the importance of mental health here at MAG, we thought this was a particularly good organisation to begin with.

On average, one in four people will experience mental health issues each year. Mind believe that this shouldn't be a cause for shame or embarrassment - anyone who suffers from such problems deserves support and compassion in the same way as someone suffering from physical ailments. Offering services such as a helpline for anybody who needs to talk, award-winning publications that tackle the complex issue of mental health in an informative way and a great deal of campaigning for a more open and understanding world - your money will contribute to a support network that spans the globe and helps millions of people annually.

Anyone who has suffered from mental health issues before will know how debilitating they can sometimes be. But not everyone is aware of this - not even the government (the NHS mental health fund was cut by 8.25% last year; that's close to £600 million!). Much of the battle that Mind is fighting will be won by increasing awareness of the importance of mental health in everyone. As soon as people become aware that anybody can be affected by such issues, making widespread societal changes will become much easier. We're proud to be contributing towards such a timely and far-reaching charity, and we'd encourage everybody to check out the work they do at the link below:

Why not take today to think about how you can give back to those who may be less fortunate than yourself? We all share the same planet, after all, and we all deserve to enjoy our time here. If you're keen to hear more about how you can help the charities that we support, or if you have any ideas about how we can do more for them in turn, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


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